Friday, June 21, 2013

Pocket Pals

Craft:  Pocket Pals 
     (keeping you company all summer long!)

What you need:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • String/twine/ribbon/yarn
  • Paper
  • Marker/pens/pencils
  • Glue (optional if you want to glue on eyes, glitter, etc.)
  • Sequins (optional)
  • Google eyes (optional)
  • Glitter (optional)
  • A pocket to carry it in :)


  1. Cut a small shape out of cardboard (shape can be an oval, square, or any desired shape).
  2. Cut slits around the cardboard shape.
  3. Decorate the cardboard by coloring or glueing on glitter, sequins, eyes etc. 
  4. Cut wing shapes out of paper and glue on back of cardboard pal
  5. Take string/twine/ribbon or yarn and wrap around the cardboard shape, securing through the slits.
  6. Let dry if using glue
  7. Name your pal
  8. Place your pal in your pocket and go PLAY!


  • Use of scissors
  • Introduction to weaving
  • Use of glue (i.e., squeezing the glue, amount needed, etc)
  • Use of dexterity
  • Confidence building when choosing pieces that will be used to create the final piece.

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